Friday, April 9, 2010

Haute Couture + Kandinsky in Den Haag (1)

Today I was trully amazed by Den Haag Gemeentemuseum. I went there with the only purpose of seeing the temporary Haute Couture exposition (until 6 June 2010) and I ended up spending the whole afternoon (and by that I really mean the WHOLE afternoon, as I arrived there at 12:30 and left when the museum was closing). When I have the time to do it properly (this weekend), I will write more about it and post some of the pictures I took - and yes, it was permitted, so I wasn't doing anything wrong as long as I kept my flash off.

The highlights were the Haute Couture and the Kandinsky expos, both temporary, but the permanent collection is mesmerizing as well - at least for those who are not big fans of classic art, as this museum is  clearly modern-biased. Still I would say no one should miss these temp expos, so it would be best to go there before May 24 - when Kandinsky's expo goes off. 

Here's the Gemeentemuseum website, but I tell you, it doesn't do justice to the museum. Really.

Ok, so this weekend I'll write more about it. Time to go to bed now :)


  1. Oi!!!
    Mari! Parabéns pelo blog, muito legal, li quase todos os posts!!! Vou colocar um link para entrar no teu blog no layout do meu, tá? Ah, está convidada a passar no Fala Garoto, Fala Garota... heheh

  2. Eeee, que honra! Coloca sim o link! :D

    E eu entro no Fala volta e meia, adoro também! Só falta a Henrich virar blogueira agora... hehehe

    Beijooooooo cheio de saudade
